Monday 24 March 2014

PG Bison initial design development

With the PG Bison project in full swing and ideas being flung back and forth, I thought I'd better give you a glimpse of what I have presented so that we can track the progress together!

My concept is "exposure of amateur artists through live art with commission based art auctions as an income generator".

Dividing the old and the new will be incorporated into this theme by the use of an industrial aesthetic, allowing one to journey from the amateurs to the professionals and finally the masters (blue collar to white collar). 

Subsequent to our recent crit I have decided to throw in some fun ideas, so watch this space!

Sunday 23 March 2014

Understanding Urban Design and Urban Planning

I am currently writing a document on Urban design and would like to share an extract with you.
Understanding Urban Design and Urban Planning

To fully understand the concept of urban design and urban planning and its influence on change in the global environment, a synopsis thereof is as follows:

Urban design is the process of designing and shaping cities, towns and villages.  It brings together all the built environment professions, including urban planning, landscape architecture, architecture, civil and municipal engineering under one canopy.

Urban design is about making connections between people and places, movement and urban form, nature and the built fabric. "It draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship, social equity and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and identity "(Wikipedia).

The two fields are intrinsically related; however urban design focuses on the design, quality, character and appearance of places, including buildings and the spaces between them. Urban planning, also relates to the uses to which those places and spaces are put, and the ways in which they relate to each other.

Urban planning is concerned with design of the urban environment (including transportation systems) to ensure the “orderly development of settlement and communities” (Wikipedia), and maximising the efficiency of the infrastructure for the citizens.  It focuses on the physical, social and economic impacts on the environment and the activities within it, particularly involving political will, the participatory process and academic discipline.  It is concerned with the renewal of cities in decline as well as development of Greenfields sites.

Urban planning was born out of the movement for urban reform against the industrial city.  Industrial cities of the 19th century developed rapidly to the detriment of the citizens, which in turn heralded public concern.  Through this concern intervention on the part of the poor and disadvantaged was advocated.

At the turn of the 20th century theorists began research and development of urban planning modules to attenuate the effects of the industrial cities by providing citizens with healthier environments.

Movements such as the “Garden City” movement were aimed at decentralizing the working environment from the centre of the cities, providing a healthy living space for the factory workers.

Today “sustainable development” is the quintessential end result in all urban planning goals.

According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica and as advocated by the United Nations-sponsored World Commission on Environment and Development in Our Common Future (1987), sustainability refers to “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
WIKIPEDIA (2014) Urban Planning [online] Available from:
[Accessed 19 March 2014].
WIKIPEDIA (2014) Urban Design [online] Available from:
[Accessed 19 March 2014].
ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, INC (2014) Urban Planning [online] Available from:
[Accessed 19 March 2014].
THE PLANNING ISSUE, Urban Planning, development and design [online] Available from:
[Accessed 19 March 2014].


Theatre Design

As the first term draws to a close, I found myself wondering what projects will be given to us in the second term.

Apparently we will be looking at a theatre design. Unfortunately I have not received the brief as we are in the throes of the PG Bison competition.

I have however included a few deigns that sparked my interest.

Funnily enough, two of the images are of Daniel Liebskind's work, a fact that I was unaware of when looking through some designs!

Hmm, I wonder.  Am I destined to be a deconstructivist? 

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Observatory design hand in

Our first design for the year was an Observatory for the Global Jet watch project

The site is at Muir college in Uitenhage.  The design had to tie into the vernacular of the existing school buildings.

This is my hand-in.



PG Bison 1.618 Competition 2014

3rd Year Architecture students in South Africa have been tasked to redesign the modern extension at the Johannesburg Art Museum.  The brief was developed by PG Bison who for the last twenty years have organised this exciting competition.

The students may either use the existing structure as a shell and redesign the interior layout, or design an entirely new space on the site.  They are to work within a modest budget which may be a challenge!

AND….there is a very good reason the enter this competition; the prizes!

1st Prize:

A trip for the winning student, accompanied by the student’s lecturer, to the 2015 FURNITURE FAIR in Milan, Italy. It includes return air tickets, accommodation, entry to the fair, a digital camera and a contribution to daily expenses. The winner will also receive a ticket to attend the 2015 Design Indaba Simulcast.

2nd Prize:

An all-expenses-paid trip for the winning student to the 2015 DESIGN INDABA in Cape Town. It includes a return air ticket, accommodation, car hire, entry to the conference and expo, and a contribution to daily expenses.

3rd Prize:

A R10 000 cash prize and a ticket to attend the 2015 Design Indaba Simulcast.

The remaining seven Top Ten Finalists will each receive a R2000 cash prize and a ticket to attend the 2015 Design Indaba Simulcast.
The hand in date is 7 August 2014, hopefully we will have some amazing designs by then!


Sunday 9 March 2014

A short presentaton on Donald Appleyard

I had to prepare this presentation on Donald Appleyard  for my B-Tech Applied Design course at NMMU, and thought I'd share.  Unfortunately you won't be privy to the narrative and animations, but I hope you will get something out of it. Enjoy






Monday 3 March 2014

Slow shutter speed photography et al

Taking a decent photograph (even with a "top of the line" camera) completely eludes me!
I have often considered taking on a short photography course to learn some valuable pointers on how to improve my (lack of) skills.

As an aspiring Architect I believe it is important to possess these skills to be able to see things in a different way other than the norm.

These photographs are inspiring to me.  The link will take you to the website with more images and has photography tips for those who are considering taking up photography.